A bioethical approach to priority settings of vaccines. Case Norway – Keynote and discussion with Reidun Førde, MD and professor emerita in medical ethics at Center for medical ethics at the University of Oslo
The contribution from Norway is based on a report from a working group established by the Norwegian Institute of Public Health to advise the Norwegian government on priority settings for the COVID vaccine. The recommendations were published in Norway in November 2020 and can be read here: https://www.fhi.no/en/publ/2020/advic…
0:00 Introduction by Truls Petersen
05:28 Reidun Førde
26:42 Sigur∂ur Kristinsson
39:37 Helena Siipi
49:38 Discussion Programme –
Opening of the webinar by the session chair, Truls Petersen, The Norwegian Biotechnology Advisory Board and member of NCBio
– Keynote: A bioethical approach to priority settings of vaccines. Case Norway by Reidun Førde, MD and professor emerita in medical ethics at Center for medical ethics at the University of Oslo
– Commentary by professor Sigur∂ur Kristinsson, University of Akureyri, Iceland, chair of the NCBio
– Commentary by docent and university teacher Helena Siipi, University of Turku
– Discussion and Q & A
The Nordic Committee of bioethics (NCBIO) is hosting a webinar series on bioethical aspects of the COVID-19 pandemic in the Nordic countries. The aim is to identify ethical aspects of the pandemic, to look at policies and debates with a view on differences and similarities between the countries. Part 3 of the webinar series is arranged in cooperation with the Norwegian Biotechnology Advisory Board.