The Norwegian Biotechnology Advisory Board
The Norwegian Biotechnology Advisory Board is an independent body consisting of 15 members and 5 deputy members appointed by the Norwegian government. Each member has a background and/or education which makes him/her competent to discuss questions regarding modern biotechnology. The main tasks of the Norwegian Biotechnology Advisory Board is to evaluate the social and ethical consequences of modern biotechnology and to discuss usage which promotes sustainable development.
The Norwegian Biotechnology Advisory Board has approximately ten regular board meetings and organises several public conferences annually.
The secretariat of the Norwegian Biotechnology Advisory Board has eight employees assisting and coordinating the board.
The Norwegian Biotechnology Advisory Board publishes the free, quarterly journal GENialt in Norwegian. In addition it makes background information available on various topics regarding modern biotechnology.
For further information, please contact the secretariat of the Norwegian Biotechnology Advisory Board by phone: +47 24 15 60 20 or e-mail: post[at]